Can Cats Eat Kiwi? The Answer May Surprise You

can cats eat kiwi

Kiwifruit, more commonly known as just kiwi, is a small, oval-shaped fruit with green, brown, or golden flesh and tiny, edible black seeds. While kiwi originated in China, today it is grown commercially all over the world. 

Kiwi has become an increasingly popular human food due to its unique taste, texture, and nutritional value.

As more cat owners add kiwi to their diets, many wonder whether it is safe and healthy to share a few bites of this tangy, sweet fruit with their feline companions as an occasional treat.

This article will explore whether or not cats can eat kiwi, including the potential benefits and risks.

We’ll cover the nutritional value of kiwi for cats, serving tips, recommended amounts, and any possible side effects or interactions to be aware of.

Nutritional Value

Kiwi contains several nutrients that can be beneficial for cats in small amounts:

– Vitamin C: Kiwi is an excellent source of vitamin C. While cats can synthesize their vitamin C, additional vitamin C from food can help support their immune system and antioxidant status. Only a small amount is needed.

– Fiber: The fuzzy skin of kiwi provides a source of fiber. Fiber supports digestive health in cats and helps ensure regular bowel movements. Too much can cause loose stools though, so moderation is key.

– Potassium: Kiwi contains high levels of potassium compared to other fruits. Potassium is an essential mineral for nerve signaling, muscle contractions, and blood pressure regulation in cats. 

– Vitamin E: This antioxidant vitamin plays a role in immune function, vision, reproduction, and more in cats. Kiwi provides a plant-based source.

– Vitamin K is necessary for proper blood clotting, vitamin K is found in kiwis. Cats are prone to deficiencies since they do not absorb plant-based K as well.

Including kiwi in your cat’s diet, a few times a week can provide small amounts of beneficial nutrients like these.

It’s important not to overdo it though, as too much can lead to diarrhea or digestive upset. Moderation is key when feeding kiwi to cats.


Kiwi can provide some potential health benefits for cats when fed in moderation as an occasional treat. Here are some of the main advantages:

– Vitamin C: Kiwis are an excellent source of vitamin C, which supports immune health and wound healing. The vitamin C in kiwi may help boost your cat’s immune system and protect against infections.

– Fiber: Kiwi contains a type of soluble fiber called pectin which can aid digestion. The fiber can help regulate cats’ digestive systems and may relieve constipation.

– Antioxidants: Kiwis contain antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and polyphenols. These compounds help counter oxidative stress and inflammation, which may lower the risk of certain diseases. The antioxidants in kiwi can support overall health in cats.

– Potassium: Kiwis provide a good amount of potassium, an essential mineral that supports nerve signaling, muscle contractions, and heart function. Extra potassium from kiwi may help maintain healthy blood pressure.

– Eye Health: The lutein and zeaxanthin in kiwis are beneficial antioxidants for eye health. They may help reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related vision issues.

The vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, potassium, and other nutrients in kiwi can provide useful health benefits for cats.

In moderation, kiwi can be a tasty, low-calorie treat with the potential to boost immunity, aid digestion, and support overall wellness. However, kiwi should only be an occasional part of a cat’s diet.


Kiwi contains citric acid and oxalic acid, which can be problematic for some cats. Citric acid may cause gastrointestinal upset in sensitive cats, resulting in vomiting or diarrhea.

Oxalic acid can bind to calcium in the body, leading to the development of crystals or stones in the urinary tract.

Additionally, the fuzzy skin of kiwi can be an irritant or choking hazard for cats. The skin may cause mouth or throat irritation if swallowed.

Some cats may try to ingest the skin if not adequately removed from the flesh of the kiwi.

The seeds in kiwi should also be avoided, as they contain cyanide compounds that can be toxic to cats if consumed in large quantities.

While a few seeds likely won’t cause issues, cats should not be allowed to eat the seeds from multiple kiwis.

Finally, kiwi has a high sugar content. Feeding too much may contribute to obesity, diabetes, or dental issues in cats.

Overall, kiwi should be fed to cats in strict moderation. The portion sizes should be kept small, with all seeds and skin removed.

Owners should monitor for any signs of sensitivity or excess consumption. Certain cats, like those prone to urinary or obesity issues, may need to avoid kiwi altogether due to the potential risks.

Serving Tips

When preparing kiwi for your cat, be sure to wash the skin thoroughly even if you don’t plan to leave it on. Cut a small piece off one end and scoop the soft green flesh out with a spoon. Discard the hairy brown skin, as it can be rough on your cat’s digestive tract. 

Kiwi has a strong scent and flavor, so start with just a teaspoon portion mixed into your cat’s regular food.

Mash the kiwi thoroughly into the food so its fragrance doesn’t overpower your cat. Monitor your cat closely when first introducing kiwi. Some cats may not like the taste right away.

For kittens or cats with sensitive stomachs, steam or briefly boil the kiwi to soften it before mixing it into food. This helps release the digestive enzymes that make kiwi easier to tolerate.

Always serve kiwi in moderation as part of a balanced feline diet. The portion should not exceed one or two teaspoons per day for an average-sized cat.

Give at least an hour before or after any scheduled medications or supplements, as kiwi can interfere with absorption.

Recommended Amount

When giving cats kiwi, it’s best to start with small amounts and increase slowly over time. The recommended serving size for cats is:

– For a 3-5 lb cat: Up to 1 teaspoon of kiwi 1-2 times per week. 

– For a 6-10 lb cat: Up to 1 tablespoon of kiwi 1-2 times per week.

– For cats over 10 lbs: Up to 2 tablespoons of kiwi 1-2 times per week.

Monitor your cat closely when first introducing kiwi. Stop feeding it if you notice any signs of an upset stomach, diarrhea, or allergic reaction.

It’s best to limit kiwi to an occasional treat. Feeding too much may cause digestive upset. Cats don’t need fruit in their diet, so kiwi should only account for a small portion of their overall food intake.

When in doubt, consult your veterinarian for personalized advice on the appropriate amount of kiwi to feed your cat based on their weight, age, and health status. Start small and increase slowly while looking for any signs of intolerance.


Kiwi should not be given to cats in combination with certain other foods and medications, as it can cause dangerous interactions:

– Chocolate: Both kiwi and chocolate contain antioxidants that can build up to toxic levels in a cat’s body when combined. Chocolate is also toxic to cats by itself. Do not feed cats kiwi if they have had chocolate that day.

– Grapes/Raisins: Like chocolate, grapes and raisins contain toxic compounds that can accumulate if fed with kiwi. Never mix kiwi with any products containing grapes or raisins.

– Dairy: Kiwi may interfere with a cat’s ability to digest lactose in dairy products. Avoid giving kiwi before or after any dairy foods.

– Aspirin: The vitamin C in kiwi can enhance the blood-thinning effects of aspirin to dangerous levels. Do not give cats kiwi if they are on aspirin prescribed by a vet.

– Warfarin: Kiwi can also amplify the effects of warfarin, increasing the risk of excessive bleeding. Check with your vet before feeding a kiwi to a cat on warfarin.

– Alcohol: The acids in kiwi combined with alcohol can damage the digestive tract and liver. Never mix alcoholic beverages with kiwi when feeding cats.

So, kiwi should not be fed with chocolate, grapes/raisins, dairy, aspirin, warfarin, or alcohol as it creates unsafe interactions.

Check with your vet about any other medications before adding kiwi to your cat’s diet. When in doubt, feed the kiwi by itself to avoid complications.

Symptoms of Too Much Kiwi

While kiwi can be a healthy snack for cats in moderation, too much can lead to some adverse effects. Here are some signs that your cat may have consumed an excessive amount of kiwi:

– Upset stomach: Kiwi contains high amounts of fiber and this can irritate a cat’s digestive tract. Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating may occur.

– Oral inflammation: The acidic nature of kiwi can lead to inflammation, redness, or sores in a cat’s mouth or on their tongue. Excessive licking of the mouth is a sign.

– Changes in stool: Too much kiwi can cause loose, watery stool or even constipation in some cats as it affects their digestive system. The stool may also smell bad or contain undigested portions of kiwi. 

– Lethargy: Overindulging in sugary kiwi can cause a spike in a cat’s blood sugar. This can result in fatigue, lack of interest in activity, and excessive sleeping.

– Dehydration: The high fiber content in kiwi coupled with diarrhea can lead to dehydration in cats. Signs include lethargy, dry mouth, and loss of skin elasticity.

– Allergic reaction: Some cats may have an allergy to kiwi. Reactions include itchy skin, rashes, wheezing, swelling of the face, and scratching. Anaphylaxis is possible in severe cases.

If your cat displays any of these symptoms after eating kiwi, stop feeding them kiwi immediately and contact your veterinarian if symptoms persist or worsen.

Be prepared to provide details on how much kiwi was consumed. With prompt treatment, your cat should recover fully.

Cats That Should Avoid Kiwi

Some types of cats should avoid eating kiwi or only have it in very small amounts:

– Kittens under 12 weeks – Their digestive systems are still developing and may have trouble processing kiwi’s fibers. It’s best to wait until they are older. 

– Elderly cats: Older cats may have dental issues making it difficult to properly chew kiwi. The high fiber content could also cause digestive upset. Check with your vet before feeding the kiwi.

– Cats with kidney disease: Kiwi is high in potassium so should be limited for cats with kidney issues. Consult your vet on safe amounts.

– Diabetic cats: The natural sugar in kiwi could cause spikes in blood sugar. Diabetic cats should avoid it.

– Allergic cats: Some cats may be allergic to kiwi. Monitor for signs like itching, swollen mouth, vomiting, or diarrhea. Discontinue feeding if you suspect an allergy.

– Overweight/obese cats: Kiwi is relatively high in calories so should be limited for cats needing to lose weight. Stick to low-calorie cat treats instead.

– Cats with digestive issues: Cats prone to diarrhea or other stomach problems may experience irritation from kiwi’s fibers and acids. Avoid feeding it.

In general, kiwi should be given to cats in moderation, if at all. Check with your vet before adding it to your cat’s diet, especially if they have any underlying health conditions.


In summary, kiwi can be a healthy treat for cats in moderation. Kiwis are a good source of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. The antioxidants they contain may provide health benefits as well. 

However, kiwi should only be fed occasionally and in small quantities. The high sugar content can cause digestive upset if cats eat too much.

Kiwis may also pose a choking hazard if the skin is consumed. Signs of eating too much kiwi include vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.

When served in moderation, kiwi can be a nutritious supplement to a cat’s regular diet. About 1-2 small slices 1-2 times per week is a reasonable amount for most cats.

Always monitor your cat’s reaction whenever introducing new foods. Avoid feeding kiwi to cats with known allergies, diabetes, or other health conditions without first consulting a veterinarian.

Overall, kiwi is generally safe for cats to eat in moderation. Its nutritional profile offers some benefits, but too much can cause issues. Keep portions small and watch for any negative reactions when first offering this fruit.

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